Europe of the Near Future


The European Union has been one of the biggest disasters in European history.  Radical Islam has just walked right in and taken over huge neighborhoods everywhere in Europe. From where they build Sharia and committ terrible terror.

We remember Paris. Brussels. Nice. We remember London.

This will not continue much longer.

Europe has traditionally, throughout its history, two ways of dealing with craziness in political leadership and societies.

The French Revolution came at a time when the people could stand no more of the waist and disaster that had hit them since the time of Louis 14th to Louis the 16th. In violent uprising that was a bloodbath, they wiped out the old system. It gave them Emperor Napoleon.

The alternative is revolution through the ballot box.

There is still hope that Europe’s impending revolution will happen at the ballot boxes in France, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain. The alternative gives me nightmares.

The unintelligent elites

Can elites be dumb? So it seems.

For soon 8 years the elises in the West have followed the clueless and destructive policies of a clueless community organizer from Chicago. A junior senator who talked his way into the White House. Who knew nothing else than talk.

During these eight years, the EU continued its agenda of destroying Europe. It’s countries and their peoples. They failed to protect their borders, and imported radical Islamists in the millions. Who destroy Europe from within. They destroyed the economy. The jobs. The foreign policy. At their head a looser from tiny Luxemburg.

How could it be that America and Europe permitted such stupid leaders to govern?

Democracy is not liberal. It is not a liberal democracy. It People’s rule. The majority, not the small minority rules.

When the peoples of Europe take their countries back and kick the EU on the dustbin of history, it will happen fast. Everywhere. Trump has shown the way.

My favorite poet, next to Shakespeare, said:

“We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

– The Hollow Men”
― T.S. Eliot, Poems: 1909-1925

A remarkable description of the political, media, academic elites around Europe. You should shiver in you clothes now. The People is soon coming to fire you.

America has corrupt political system

America has a corrupt political system that should worry every single believer in democracy anywhere in the world.

The corrupt political American system can be boiled down to three simple points:

  1. Rich millionairs pay money to politicians to do what they want. Corrupt politicians accept this money, grow rich, and do exactly as the money-people tell them to do.
  2. Rich millionaires pay money to the election campaigns of corrupt politicians, so the politician will follow the will of the donor. Not of the voters. Recent examples are Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton.
  3. Elections are corrupt. It is the candidate who pay the party bosses who decides who the delegates will be.

Politically, the United States is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It takes a man with the caliber of Donald Trump to change it from the bottom up.




Countering the Islamic invasion: How will the peoples of Europe and America react?

We are at the beginning of 2016. 100 years ago the world was in the middle of a devastating war.
In Europe, World War 1 broke up the Habsburg Austrian/Hungarian Empire, until Emperor Napoleon conquered them, known for centuries as the Holy Roman Empire. It embraced at its peak, huge areas of Europe.

It included the Balkans after the Muslim Turks were beaten back, it included western Ukraine.

At the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918, the countries in East and Central Europe were laid open to future struggle and wars over these vast territories buffering west and east in Europe.

Then, as a result of socioeconomic and historical causes, followed the terrible nazi reign of Adolf Hitler from 1933. With the nazi extermination of millions of Jews and other “foreign” elements through the 1930s until the end of World War 2.

Nazi Germany fought for economic, political, military control ,- and lebensraum, in and of all of Europe from the Urals to the Atlantic and MENA.

We know what happened. Russia to a large extent won us the war at an enormous price of dead and wounded soldiers and civilians.

Josef Jughashvili had risen from his upbringing in Georgia, partly in Tiflis, to become Stalin, absolute ruler of the enormous Soviet empire. How Hitler ever imagined he could attack the Russians without utter destruction to himself and Germany is a mystery of folly and hubris.

How, 75 years later, a man like Obama could ever imagine he could take on the Russians, is the same kind of hubris and folly.

Angela Merkel is today trying to accomplish the same as Hitler: Dominance of Europe. Using as her political tool the European Union.

Her goals go agains the historical experience of Europe. The peoples of Britain and France will in the long run not let Germany get away with it.

Enter Muslim invasion and terrorism into America and Europe. In what is clearly a well planned and organized new invasion by Islam into Europe and America. The goal of this invasion is, if we listen to statement by ISIS and Muslim leaders, to take over and control the West. An old dream of Islam. Kill the “non Muslims”. Terror, rape and murder is used as weapons to create fear and chaos. Christians are being systematically murdered in a massive genocide of the Christian population in MENA (Middle East and North Africa).

The islamist Troyan horse is already inside the United States and Europe. Waiting for orders to kill and annihilate Christians.

In Europe it is the countries of the former Habsburg empire that understand what is happening. Because they were the marching grounds of the big Ottoman Muslim armies that in former centuries tried to conquer Europe. They know the muslims and their ways. They keep them out.

Historically, Russia has always had trouble and wars with Islam in the South and South-East. Hence, the Russian people have learned by historical experience that they must keep Islam out.

Facing the danger of a planned Islamic invasion by ISIS and other Islamist groups, Russia strikes first. In preventive action to safeguard its southern flank. And to help stabilize Europe.

The folly of the Obama administration in this picture is likely to be treated harshly by history.

It may be that the United Stated is experiencing the rise of a statesman, a political leader of historical format in Donald Trump. We will soon know.

In Europe it’s not possible to see a single political government leader anywhere close to the format that is needed.
Europe is lead by mediocre leaders. By spineless leaders without any talent to lead amid the biggest crisis since Word War 2: The new invasion by Islam, and its attempted takeover.

We see the reaction among the peoples of Europe. They are in the middle of a process to throw the political leaders out of their comfortable aparatchik government offices, forming new political movements to do so. We see it all over Europe. Hungary already has a good leader in Prime Minister Orban.

In some years the unstoppable popular reaction to the so called politically “correct” politicians and parties will have removed them from office.

What will happen during these processes is hard to predict. We know the examples of the French revolutions, of the nazification of Germany in the 1920s- and 30s. And of the Russian and American revolutions.

And what will happen in the civilization clash between the West and Islam in America and Europe? Will Christians sit still and let Islam take over their countries? No they will not.

So what will happen then?

Think about it.

War and Revolutions Our Near Future in Europe?

With the fall of the West Roman Empire, the East Roman Empire continued for another thousand years. Then it fell to the invading armies of Islam in 1453. But for a thousand years the capital of the East Roaman Empire was Constantinople. It was to some degree the East Roman Empire that saved the modern world for the West.

After the East Roman Empire fell to Islam, the islamists ruling the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire, did what Muhammed had told them to do in the Qoran: They started killing and conquering Christians and Europe. With huge armies they conquered much of what is today the Balcans. The islamist Ottomans were only stopped for good at the gates of Vienna in 1683, as they were attempting to take Vienna and all of Europe.

Islam had ruled Spain for 8 centuries until they were defeated by Christian armies in 1492, and by early 17th century expelled from Spain.

Today Islam is again trying to conquer Europe.

The threat to Central and East Europe always came from what is today Turkey. The threat to Spain from North Africa and the Middle East.

We are again fighting the old war with Islam. Again, it originated in Turkey, Middle East and North Africa.


We have only one lesson we can learn from history in regard of muslim attacks and invations : To defend ourselves and beat them.


The use of Trojan Army soldiers military strategy that Islam is using for penetration of Europe today is no less lethal to our life and civilization then were the endless armies of the Ottomans. The soldiers of Islam are now living among us, hiding in sleeper cells until ordered to attack us.

But this time the leaders of Europe are weak and incompetent in leading this war against the islamic intruders. Hence, they are endangering the lives of all Europeans. They are endangering our way of life; our civilization.


Europe cannot and will not let Islam win. Again, we will form our defenses, beat Islam and chase them out of Europe.


We have a weak NATO that, under American misled propaganda has tried to tell us that the threat is from the East, from Russia. Nothing can be more misleading. Russia is never the enemy. The enemy is Islamist, and Russia can be a very important ally in the fight to beat the Islamists. Turkey is showing us again that it cannot be trusted. To the contrary, the Turkish islamist party under Erdogan should be watched very carefully. They probably do not belong in NATO, since they can never identify with the Christian and enlightened values of Europe and America.

The United States will in about one year have a new President, and new Commander in Chief. I am convinced that President will be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. In  any case; America would join the ideological and armed fight against islamists. That means that the Obama staffers in NATO will be changed. And we can all feel safer.

In the coming war with Islam, I predict an earthquake of political change all over Europe. Germans will not for long let Merkel continue to endanger and ruin Germany. Same story in France, where Marine le Pen has a very good chance to be elected President of France in two years. Sweden is likely to have Jimmie lesson as PM from -18.

But there is a question how long the peoples of Europe will sit still and permit today’s politicians ruin their countries. Revolutions may well follow. Europe has historical traditions for that.


And what will happen to the EU? I suggest it will fail and therefore fall.