Ukraine, Russia and Europe

The Western debate is all over the place about Ukraine. Western news media and journalists have been doing their audiences a colossal disservice by presenting mostly anti-Russian and russophobic propaganda.

In fact, due to their Russia sanctions and policies, the EU and European countries are sitting at the end of the cliff, about to fall over the cliff.



The only way for Russia to precede with the military operation in Ukraine is to take out all Ukraine capacity to operate railways. Because they are used for troop movements. They run on electricity. Hence, Russia is taking out the electrical infrastructure in Ukraine. Next, they should take out all capacity to operate trains into Kiev and Lvov.

Likely, Ukraine will collapse at some point during 2023. We will see mass immigration of 10 million Ukrainians into Europe. Nothing can stop that, unless Europe shows some statesmanship and begin serious negotiations with Putin. After having removed all sanctions.

Victory for Central Europe and Italy, defeat for EU Commission

At the 28 June EU meeting on Immigration, it was decided to just kick the can down the road. If anything, it is likely to increase the number of illegal migrants and create huge problems in the closed camps that will be built in Europe by countries that are mad enough to volonteer to build them.

Who are candidates for such madness? Well, France of course, under the lumping leadership of Gallic megalomaniac Macron. What about socialist Spain? The decisions on who receives the illegal migrants has been moved out of the European Commission, which is a positive sign. Other than this, nothing will change.



Will Trump be a Neocon Puppet or a Great President?

President Trump’s new policy towards Russia could be collapsing. Unless Secretary Tillerson can save it when he goes to Moscow soon. If not, is Trump’s war on terror damaged before it has begun?

Ambassador Nikki Haley’s speech in the Security Council on April 5th was undiplomatic as far as Russia is concerned, and could well have put a nail in the coffin of Trump’s reset policy with Russia. President Putin will not accept it.

If this were to be be the case, Trump is on his way into a situation in the Middle East where Russia, Syria, Hezbollah, Iran and every terrorist group would be his enemies.   Russia would continue to build its allianses across MENA and everywhere else.

Any successful war on ISIS and all the other terror groups will get nowhere without a strong ideological and psychological war on Radical Islam. Another ideology must be put in its place.

President Trump may well now order strikes to take out the Syrian Air Force. Will he then face confrontation with Russia?

What kind of action will Trump take against Iran? Economic and Technology sanctions?

We will soon know more about the outcomes of President Trump’s meeting with China’s President Xi. Its worth remembering that there is a strong alliance between China and Russia. That covers the new Eurasia strategy as well as Syria. Does Trump plan military strikes in North Korea to destroy their nuclear program and facilities? And their ballistic rocket capabilities? Is Trump then prepared for the invasion by the north of South Korea that may follow? Russia has a joint border with North Korea. So does China, as we all know.

The Korean Peninsula is one of the most dangerous regions in the world. At the end of the day, North Korean nuclear capabilities may have to be crippled.

Who is visiting Trump since he took office? Those he wants to build an alliance with. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, Germany, UK, Denmark, Japan. These are the countries he is building an alliance with. With Tillerson and Lavrov meeting soon in Moscow, the probably are preparing a meeting between Trump and Putin. They should. Failure to ally with Russia in the war on terrorism/Radical Islam, would be a historic mistake.

So is Trump going to be a puppet of the neocons in Washington or a great President?


Europe of the Near Future


The European Union has been one of the biggest disasters in European history.  Radical Islam has just walked right in and taken over huge neighborhoods everywhere in Europe. From where they build Sharia and committ terrible terror.

We remember Paris. Brussels. Nice. We remember London.

This will not continue much longer.

Europe has traditionally, throughout its history, two ways of dealing with craziness in political leadership and societies.

The French Revolution came at a time when the people could stand no more of the waist and disaster that had hit them since the time of Louis 14th to Louis the 16th. In violent uprising that was a bloodbath, they wiped out the old system. It gave them Emperor Napoleon.

The alternative is revolution through the ballot box.

There is still hope that Europe’s impending revolution will happen at the ballot boxes in France, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain. The alternative gives me nightmares.

The unintelligent elites

Can elites be dumb? So it seems.

For soon 8 years the elises in the West have followed the clueless and destructive policies of a clueless community organizer from Chicago. A junior senator who talked his way into the White House. Who knew nothing else than talk.

During these eight years, the EU continued its agenda of destroying Europe. It’s countries and their peoples. They failed to protect their borders, and imported radical Islamists in the millions. Who destroy Europe from within. They destroyed the economy. The jobs. The foreign policy. At their head a looser from tiny Luxemburg.

How could it be that America and Europe permitted such stupid leaders to govern?

Democracy is not liberal. It is not a liberal democracy. It People’s rule. The majority, not the small minority rules.

When the peoples of Europe take their countries back and kick the EU on the dustbin of history, it will happen fast. Everywhere. Trump has shown the way.

My favorite poet, next to Shakespeare, said:

“We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

– The Hollow Men”
― T.S. Eliot, Poems: 1909-1925

A remarkable description of the political, media, academic elites around Europe. You should shiver in you clothes now. The People is soon coming to fire you.

The Hillary Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate

Documentation has been established of the most notorious criminal syndicate in American history: The Hillary Clinton Crime Syndicate. Watergate pales compared to this.

Even the media is part of the crime syndicate. Individual, corrupt reporters and the corporate owners of media outlets.

Political violence is part of the methods. Hillary Clinton is the Gotti and Capone of American politics.

America cannot have a president like Hillary Clinton . The corruption and crimes are far too grave for that.

America has corrupt political system

America has a corrupt political system that should worry every single believer in democracy anywhere in the world.

The corrupt political American system can be boiled down to three simple points:

  1. Rich millionairs pay money to politicians to do what they want. Corrupt politicians accept this money, grow rich, and do exactly as the money-people tell them to do.
  2. Rich millionaires pay money to the election campaigns of corrupt politicians, so the politician will follow the will of the donor. Not of the voters. Recent examples are Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton.
  3. Elections are corrupt. It is the candidate who pay the party bosses who decides who the delegates will be.

Politically, the United States is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It takes a man with the caliber of Donald Trump to change it from the bottom up.